Tætteste på Nagarkot, men en anden verden
Kaflenigaun er den landsby, som ligger tætteste på Nagarkot, ca. en halv times vandring 200 m ned ad bakken.
Landsbyen har 205 indbyggere – 104 mænd og 101 kvinder – i 56 familier. Alle er Janajatis.
Der dyrkes ris, majs og hirse på de stejle skrænter, og det er også muligt at dyrke citroner og appelsiner, kartofler og grøntsager til salg. Mange familier har en vandbøffel og nogle geder. Men ejendommene er små, og folkene fattige.
De små børn går i skole i nabolandsbyen Chhittegaun, mens de større skal til Nagarkot, hvor også sundhedsklinikken findes.
Geographical placement
Kaflenigaun is a village located in Baluwapati Deupur Village Development Committee, VDC, Ward (administrative unit) No.8 Naldum of Kavrepalanchok District, Mid-development Region of Nepal. It is about half an hour to walk down from Nagarkot or 3.5 km to drive on dusty road from Nagarkot, a famous tourism area. It lies to the east direction from Nagarkot and with view of the Himalaya Range.
Naldum is a big area of Balupati Deupur VDC Ward No.8. There are five settlements in Naldum Ward: Kaflenigaun, Bhanjyang, Chisapani, Tayamrang tole and Chandrasurya. There are 157 households in the Ward. The total population of the Naldum settlements is 777. The female population is 373 and 401 male. They are all Janjatis households (7 Newars and 150 Tamang households). As the Naldum ward is very big, Trianglen has chosen to work with one settlement only, Kaflenigaun.
Number of inhabitants
Kaflenigaun consists of 56 households. Total population of the village is 205, 104 male and 101 female. The roofs of 50 houses are made of iron seats, 1 is made of slate, 3 tiles and 2 straw roofed. All households are Janajatis who speak Tamang language, a Tibeto-Burma language and Nepali.
Main source of income
People grow rice, maize and millet on the steep terraces on the hillsides. It is possible to grow lot of potatoes, lemon, orange and commercial vegetables. Many families have one buffalo and some goats tied to the house and fed from greens and grass from the forests, and chicken.
However, most of the people are poor. They have only little land. They have low income. So 10-12 people have migrated to Gulf countries, Malaysia and India for work, as unskilled workers, and they send earnings back to their families. One person has joined the Nepal army and another one is in Nepal Police. A few young people work in hotels in Nagarkot.
There is no school in Kaflenigaun. There is a primary school in the next village in Ward 2, Chhittegaun. All the children from this village go to school in Chhittegaun and it takes half an hour to walk to school. There is a secondary school in Nagarkot, Shree Mahakali Secondary School. It is on the way to Hotel Green Valley from Nagarkot bus station. The school provides primary and secondary level education Class 1-10 for the children. There are 422 students, 203 girls and 219 boys.
The health post is situated in Nagarkot, and there is visit to the health post from Kathmandu health staff to deal with reproductive health and family planning once a month.
At the end of 2013, most of the household in the village have built toilets. The rest of the households are going to build toilets soon. The VDC had committed to announce “No defecating in the open VDC” at the end of 2013, but it has postponed for six months so that all will get toilets before it is announced.
The people of Kalflenigaun want help on
• Goat raising
• Commercial Vegetable farming
• Good roads
• Sour fruit farming like lemon
• Coffee farming
• Orange farming
• Scholarship support for poor students
Her er landsbyrapporten fra 2017