Valget til den forfatningsgivende forsamling i november 2013Det Dansk-Nepalesisk Selskab afholder aftenarrangement i Københavnsområdet med en international valgobservatør, Jørgen Sørensen
Trianglen har fra Dansk-Nepalesisk Selskab, hvor vi er medlem, modtaget følgende om det netop afholdte valg til den ny forfatningsgivende forsamling i Nepal.
Former Maoist Combatants Commissioned Army OfficersSeven years after the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Accord (2006) between thegovernment and the Maoist party
The Constitution Assembly (CA) was formed in 2008 for a period of two years. However, theCA term was extended up to four years through four amendments to the InterimConstitution.
Høsten slår fejl og stort dæmningsprojekt på vej. There is a growing trend of crops failure across the country in recent years with the use ofhybrid seed varieties by farmers and unregulated market mechanism.
Høsten slår fejl og stort dæmningsprojekt på vej. There is a growing trend of crops failure across the country in recent years with the use ofhybrid seed varieties by farmers and unregulated market mechanism.
A major breakthrough in the ongoing peace process, the much-awaited voluntaryretirement of Maoist combatants (People Liberation Army, PLA) began inJanuary 2012.
In 1 November 2011 an agreement was done between all political parties for the settlement of thePeople Liberation Army (PLA) who are in the cantonments’ for the last 5 years.