Som de fleste andre landsbyer i området kan Makaibarigaun kun nås med jeep eller motorcykel fra Nagarkot ad en dårlig grusvej, og de sidste 15 minutter er til fods.
Landsbyen lever af landbrug til eget brug og til salg. De sælger afgrøder (fx. ris, hvede, kartofler, visse grøntsager) og dyr (fx. bøfler, geder og kyllinger) i lokalområdet. Indkomsten herfra er dog lav, og ca en fjerdedel af familierne lever for mindre end 3 kr om dagen.
Drikkevandsforsyningen er ustabil på grund af slidte rør, og vandet bliver hverken kogt eller filtreret før brug.
1. Name of country/municipality/VDC/ward
Name of country: Nepal, Kavre District
Municipality/VDC: Baluwapati Deupur
Ward: 7
2. Geographical placement:
a) Distance from capital and district town: Around 50km from capital
city Kathmandu and 40 km from the district headquarter.
b) Modes of transport to reach the village: 2-3 hours drive from
capital city Kathmandu to Nagarkot. Then around 4km by rough road (Jeeps
& motorbikes can run to near the village), and finally path 15 minutes (by
c) Landscape (hilly, arid, lakeshore etc.)
Hilly area.
3. Short political outline of the local district Baluwapati Deupur VDC:
Nepali Congress, CPNUML, Nepal Workers and Peasant Party and CPN Maoist are main parties.
4. Number of inhabitants
Total: About 450
Older than 15 years: About 250, a slight majority of women.
Younger than 15 years: About 200, approximately half girls, half boys
People with disabilities: About 10-20
5. Number of families (households):
About 125.
6. Description of majority of households (extended families, widow
headed, child headed, and migration)
60 of the households are home to single families containing 3-5 people.
The rest (65) hold two families or more under the same roof and
contain 6 people or more (this is primarily more poor families).
People who have lost their partners due to death: 75, 45 widows and 30
7. Ethnic description (tribe, caste)
Tamang: 65 households.
Thakuri: 40 households.
Gurung: 20 households.
8. Most vulnerable groups:
No very low casts.
9. Level of education
Adult illiterates: 160.
Adult literates: 90. 20 finished “college”, 70 on their way.
10. Main sources of income
Exclusively agriculture. The village produce rice, corn (maize), wheat,
millet, potatoes and few other vegetables. They also sell cow,
buffalo, goat and chicken. Average monthly income for a family is
about 2500 Nepali rupees.
11. Poverty
(those not having income to meet the basic minimum need of
calorie requirement of 2,250 per day/only 1850 calories having in
30-35 households have problems getting enough food. In these households
the average income for a family is about 1000-1500 rupees and they
also generally contain more people. Thus a considerable part of the
villagers live for less than half a dollar/day, shared by their whole
12. Number of schools
Two schools, including the primary and secondary level. They are both
within 20 minutes walking. All the schools are in another village.
13. Number of children attending school (primary and secondary)
Children in school: 105, most of them in primary school.
Children too young for school (below 6 years of age): 80.
Children old enough, yet not in school: 15, 8 of them older than 10
14. Is there a health clinic (how staffed)
The village has no health clinic itself. Nor has it any educated
doctors. In case of a serious problem, for example a severe wound,
very high fever or severely broken bones, they have to go to Nagarkot,
Bhaktapur or even Kathmandu to get proper help. In many cases money
for medical help in the cities has to be borrowed from each other.
Minor sicknesses like small wounds or light fevers, are either taken
care of by resting or with help from the Baidyas ( traditional
medicine men) – villagers with a bit of experience in medics, which in
most cases means that they are old. They only use herbs and natural
medicine. If villages are unable to borrow the money or if expenses
are too high, the Baidyas are the only option. Due to the quality of
roads, a person who needs urgent medical care has to be carried to the
main road in a Doko (basket carried on the back of one person for
heavier things), where they can reach an ambulance.
15. Number of churches and their denomination:
There are no temples or churches.
16. Other facilities in the community
There is a water mill, which is only used in June and July for
grinding flour. The rest of the year the village rely on a grinding
machine in neighbouring villages. The village also has a community
building, used for gatherings.
17. Electricity and drinking water facility
The drinking water is at a “normal” quality compared to the standard
in Nepal, or at least compared to neighbouring villages. Pipes connected
to mountains springs run to the village, but there is no kind of
purification. Filtering is unavailable and they do not boil the water.
Therefore minor stomach problems are common. The pipelines are in a bad
quality and the people often have to fix the pipelines for holes and
All houses except a few rely on electricity from other
villages. They do not have their own power source or connection with
the grid. This makes electricity, which is already quite unreliable in
Nepal, even less reliable.
18. The name and contacts of the village leader/chairperson (LC1)
1 Chairman ChimBahadurTamang – cellphone: (+977) 9818114924
2 Secretary NirKumariTamang
3 Account holder AckalBahadurTamang
4 Member Ajay Kumar Tamang
5 Member Ram BahadurTamang
6 Member Ganesh BahadurTamang
7 Member HiraBahadurTamang
8 Member Man BahadurTamang
9 Member ShreemayaTamang
19. Examples of specific needs for the Community welfare
Better toilet facilities
Improvement of road/paths (walking is the only way to get to and from the village, because of road quality)
Improvement of drinking water quality
Building of a chimney in community building
Scholarships for the village youth